Saturday, March 6, 2010

Capture Your Community

We woke up this morning to find our little Sprout sporting a little tooth! What a big girl! This was very exciting until it meant that she woke up every half hour all night long, and sometimes every fifteen minutes. And then decided to have a muching fest on her feeding receptacle. The precious new little tooth is tiny and slightly crooked and oh-so-sweet!

Our first photo contest was a success! With 10 votes in all, I won with a slim margin of 6-4. This week's photo challenge was themed Capture Your Community. We each strove to best photographically express what the city of Tualatin is to us. Annalise decided to tag along.

So it's time for another blog-judged photo contest! Each set has 18 pictures. Please note your favorite set, Set 1 or Set 2, in the comments!

Set 1



  1. I'm going to have to go with Set #2 this time!

  2. This one was tough.
    My vote is for set #2.

    Great shots in both sets... but, I think the "duck shadow" secured my vote. Loved it.

  3. ok, tough decision but I'm going to have to go with set 2

  4. I am a fan of set #1! They are all nice shots! You will have to do this when you go to the beach!

  5. They are both really good for different reasons. I have to go with set #2. I agree with Nicole, the duck shot sealed the deal. Great job to both though!

  6. Set #1! They're both awesome day I'll have a nice camera like that and you can teach me. : )

  7. I vote for Set #1, but I also thought the duck shadow one was awesome. I know I'm way late catching up on your blog, but I've been reading in reverse order and I didn't notice the results to this? So I'll still cast my vote :)
