Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love the lovely camera

I know nothing about photography and totally have no idea what I'm doing with my camera yet. The extent of my knowledge is as follows:

1) Textures look cool.
2) If you like it snap it.

But I love taking pictures so much. So today I wrapped up Buggy and took a walk around the block to see what I could find.

Of course for every still-life, I had to snap ten of my Photog Assistant. She was extreeeeemely helpful to the creative process, what with throwing her blanket on the ground every 10 feet, making frequent annoyed squawks, and squirming fitfully every time the stroller stopped. She's just mad I don't pay her more to accompany me everywhere and when I try to explain that the Liquid Gold she guzzles from my very bosom is surely compensation enough she throws up down my neck.


  1. Nice job! I can't wait until tomorrow when you take some amazing pictures of Anna!

  2. She's is becoming too cute for me to handle seeing pictures of her!!! YIKES!!!!

    The still life shots were also quite lovely. (Annalise wins, though.)

  3. These are spectacular shots! So impressed!

  4. These are spectacular shots! So impressed!

  5. Nice job!! I love those shots! I'm telling you, I would pay you to take pics of my kids!

  6. You have to stop it.
    You are making me need that camera a little more with every post.

  7. Very impressive pictures!

    I can't believe how big Annalise is. I want to kiss her little cheeks! We need to come visit.
