Sunday, August 30, 2009


Dave is a great husband. Dave is a great father. I've heard the expression "more than I could have hoped for" so much that it's never held much meaning for me, but as I reflected on Dave today, that was what came to mind. I couldn't have hoped for better. I couldn't have imagined someone could be so sensitive, selfless, and genuinely desirous for my well-being and happiness. I. could. not. do. this. without. Dave. (I can barely do it with him, but he is what makes it possible.) This parenting-an-infant thing is so ridiculously exhausting and stressful and anxiety-producing (in addition to being a blessing, and miraculous, and amazing) and Dave's kindness and willingness to "take one for the team" are the sole reason I don't plunge off the edge (that I perch precariously on) into full-fledged arm-flapping insanity and/or major depression.


On a funny note, I asked Dave if he could pick up some pads for me at the store. Because he is the mature, loving man that he is, Dave did not balk nor refuse. Instead, when he came home, there were two items in his grocery bag.

"I thought it would be weird if I just bought pads," he explained sheepishly, holding up the random item also in his bag. "So to make it less awkward, I got some chips too."


Nicole said...

Love the picture, and even more -- love the pads and chips combo.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... pads and chips. Does that actually make it any better? I would think it more likely for a man to come home with 10+ items and say "well, I needed a box of cereal to stick in front of it, and some rice-a-roni to put on top, and a head of lettuce to stick behind it, etc. etc.

Dr. Todd said...

Great combo! Love the logic. Cute picture!

Will and Sandy said...

I knew he woud be a great dad. Will would have done the same thing at the grocery store:)

Valerie and Mercado Family said...

What a sweet husband! Hang in there!

Courtney said...

Pads and chips - the perfect combination.

Staci said...

I DO think that Dave is the best. What a blessing.

Dave Fuhriman said...

We all know who the real hero of this operation is...

Love you honey -- enough to buy pads on demand, even without chips

Jen said...

LOL LoVe it!!!!!! =)